Sunday, November 21, 2010
Creature Feature
If you are in the Brooklyn area between now and December 8th you should check out this show because I'm in it! I kind of missed the boat on posting about this in time for the opening but its up for two weeks...
It's about monsters so obviously you should go.
It's at the Gowanus Print Lab.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Aristophanes and Penthesilea
Comic is up on-line now. Just a warning, in case you couldn't tell, it has a lot of naked. Click to read.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pizza Face and Skull Head Do MICE
[10/15/10] Man, I thought I was on top of this but I think I took the post down to correct some stuff and never put it back up until now. Anyway...
So we had a pretty metal-tacular day this Saturday, if I do say so myself. The first annual Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo was a smashing success and I had a pretty fun time do in no small part to the wonderful camaraderie of all of the folks there, especially our awesome table neighbors.
To our left the wonderful Mr. Tim Finn, who took the first and last photos in this post. Thanks Tim! (also Tom trying to reconcile the apparently itchy beard/mask combo)
and to to our right the exceedingly hilarious Adam Syzm of Good Show and Noah .... (Noah, what's your last name?) whose abstract mini-comic series Decoder Ring is currently rocking my socks.
We also ran into many other familiar faces including fellow RISD Alum Jack Turnbull and CCSer Jen Vaughn, but unfortunately, I am horribly inconsistent and photographically documenting events, so you will just have to take my word for it.
However, in the grand tradition of posting stuff you got at comic conventions on the internet, I did take pictures of all of the fun new books I acquired over the weekend a sampling of which is below:
This was cool anthology of comics centered around a fictional '70s cult film of the same name. Fun format, fun stories. Props to Pat Barrett, Josh Kramer, Betsey Swardlick, and Ben Horak.
I know I'm a little bit slow on the uptake, but Chuck Forsman's Snake Oil was definitely one of favorite purchases of the weekend. I am currently cursing not having bought #4 as he suggested.
Along with comics I did a couple of print trades including these two beauties from Valerie Arruda.
And this jem from Ant the Knee. I am not entirely sure what is going on, but I think that's my favorite part...
So technically this is not from MICE but I am still super excited about it! Tom and I went to Armageddon back in Providence on Sunday to blow all of the money we had made selling comics on records and... more comics.... Anyway, giant anthology of monster comics including Mickey Zachilli, Michael Deforge, CF, and many others...
I did buy/trade/receive many more, but in the interest of keeping the post (relatively) short I will redirect you here were you can see everything else along with links back to the creators websites.
Thanks to Dan Mazur, Shelli Paroline, Braden Lamb and the nice folks at AIB for organizing this shindig, hope to be back next year!
So we had a pretty metal-tacular day this Saturday, if I do say so myself. The first annual Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo was a smashing success and I had a pretty fun time do in no small part to the wonderful camaraderie of all of the folks there, especially our awesome table neighbors.
To our left the wonderful Mr. Tim Finn, who took the first and last photos in this post. Thanks Tim! (also Tom trying to reconcile the apparently itchy beard/mask combo)
and to to our right the exceedingly hilarious Adam Syzm of Good Show and Noah .... (Noah, what's your last name?) whose abstract mini-comic series Decoder Ring is currently rocking my socks.
We also ran into many other familiar faces including fellow RISD Alum Jack Turnbull and CCSer Jen Vaughn, but unfortunately, I am horribly inconsistent and photographically documenting events, so you will just have to take my word for it.
However, in the grand tradition of posting stuff you got at comic conventions on the internet, I did take pictures of all of the fun new books I acquired over the weekend a sampling of which is below:
This was cool anthology of comics centered around a fictional '70s cult film of the same name. Fun format, fun stories. Props to Pat Barrett, Josh Kramer, Betsey Swardlick, and Ben Horak.
I know I'm a little bit slow on the uptake, but Chuck Forsman's Snake Oil was definitely one of favorite purchases of the weekend. I am currently cursing not having bought #4 as he suggested.
Along with comics I did a couple of print trades including these two beauties from Valerie Arruda.
And this jem from Ant the Knee. I am not entirely sure what is going on, but I think that's my favorite part...
So technically this is not from MICE but I am still super excited about it! Tom and I went to Armageddon back in Providence on Sunday to blow all of the money we had made selling comics on records and... more comics.... Anyway, giant anthology of monster comics including Mickey Zachilli, Michael Deforge, CF, and many others...
I did buy/trade/receive many more, but in the interest of keeping the post (relatively) short I will redirect you here were you can see everything else along with links back to the creators websites.
Thanks to Dan Mazur, Shelli Paroline, Braden Lamb and the nice folks at AIB for organizing this shindig, hope to be back next year!
Friday, September 24, 2010
You Know You Want It...
Come get it this weekend at the inaugural Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo!
This Saturday I will be sharing a table with the illustrious Tom Toye, super comic-er and one-half of the brotherly screenprinting duo Portal.
I have a new comic (type-thing?) as pictured above and some prints. Tom has lots of cool things including some snazzy shirts (one of which I will most definitely be purchasing), awesome prints, and some crazy fully silkscreened comics(!!!).
It will be spiffy. If you are around you should drop by. Its at Art Institute of Boston 700 Beacon St Boston MA.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
A few favorites from the jobs I've been doing for monies.
Some silhouettes of classical literature:
Some storyboards:
Some silhouettes of classical literature:
Some storyboards:
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Something Old, Something New
I updated my blog header, you like it? I spent the last week or so trying to come up with something classier to do with these two than sitting on a roof drinking beer but ultimately thats where they ended up. I don't think I ever posted the original designs of these guys (who are Puck of A Midsummer Nights Dream and Mercutio of Romeo and Juliet) because I thought they were too embarrassing (point of fact: they are) but I have since gotten over that and figure what the hell, might as well. Also they, show that I can use photoshop which is apparently very important according to craigslist. (Yes both these and the header are totally uninspired pieces of escapist drivel. No I do not care. I graduated three months ago and am still unemployed. Leave me alone.)
Anyway, from the vaults of a year or so ago:
These two are fun but I have no idea what to do with them since I am a terrible comedic writer. Maybe I'll throw some sort of non sequitorial nonsense with them together for MICE at the end of this month.
Speaking of which, I'm going to MICE on September 25th along with Alison Dubois, Amanda Greenberg, and Heather Benjamin. If you're in the Massachusetts are you should swing by and see us. More on that later...
Anyway, from the vaults of a year or so ago:
Tattoos! The seal of Verona, plague doctors, cemeteries, and Queen Mab. What's not to like?
My intention was for him to be flipping the bird UK style. I now realize that this could be interpreted as an entirely different hand gesture. Oops.
Yes. They have tattoos of themselves as the comedy and tragedy masks.
These two are fun but I have no idea what to do with them since I am a terrible comedic writer. Maybe I'll throw some sort of non sequitorial nonsense with them together for MICE at the end of this month.
Speaking of which, I'm going to MICE on September 25th along with Alison Dubois, Amanda Greenberg, and Heather Benjamin. If you're in the Massachusetts are you should swing by and see us. More on that later...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Summerrrrr Sketchinnnnn
Sorry for my absence. Haven't really been doing much aside from sketchbook stuff so I figured I may as well throw that up here. Also sorry my scanner sucks.
and some more
and some more.
I recently rediscovered the fact that I own a pentel pocket brush and have been having a lot of fun with that.
Like this foresty dude.
and who's this jerk? Lame...
more later. until then...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
RSA Animate
Mixing it up a little with some fun stuff I found rather than made. These are a couple of animations created from lectures given at the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce in London. If you enjoy these there are more right here.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Passenger
Final Project for Monster... a monster movie!
A collaboration with the wonderful Toren Falck, Carley Hickey, and Jose Suris IV. Guest starring the lovely Robyn Ng in her break out role as "Jaded Asian Girl"
And after the movie you should also watch this delightful interview with Robyn.
A collaboration with the wonderful Toren Falck, Carley Hickey, and Jose Suris IV. Guest starring the lovely Robyn Ng in her break out role as "Jaded Asian Girl"
And after the movie you should also watch this delightful interview with Robyn.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
New Comic
I did this for MoCCA but never got around to putting it up. All scratchboard (mostly). Click to read.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Municipal Novelist
My final for Electric Book was a collaboration with the wonderful and ever talented Sophia Foster-Dimino. Consider it our love letter to Kafka and Messof's Randy Balma. We may not have as many seizure inducing flashing lights, but hopefully you will be just as frustrated by our not quite game not quite book as we were by playing Municipal Aborntionist. Enjoy!

Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Senior Show!
So along with Catherine Chi, Sophia Foster-Dimino, Yue Li, Victo Nagai, Magnolia Porter, and José Suris IV I had my senior Illustration Show, "One of These Things Is Not Like the Other" back at the end of April. It was pretty well received and I was really happy to be able to work with such an awesome group of people. We made a jam comic together which I will post soon. I've posted some of the highlights from the show below but if you want to see more, there's a gallery. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Have Some Prints
Sorry this blog is so neglected. My senior show was last week for which I and my six bestest buddies made many a cool thing but I foolishly neglected to take any photos so I will have to get them from someone else before I can show you. In the mean time, have some screen prints.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
MoCCA was early this year so I shared a table with a whole bunch of cool kids from school including zejian shen, tom toye, hiromi ueyoshi, leah wishnia, magnolia porter, sophia foster-dimino, sam d'orazio, heather benjamin, steven sugar, irene koh, and a.t. pratt. It was pretty sweet. Bet you wish you were there.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I Am Not What I Am
More Electric Book. Had to create something with text as a character. Heavily influenced by the works of Hoogerbrugge who I highly recommend you check out. Click below to play.

Note: Pre-loader isn't working for some reason but file will eventually open.

Note: Pre-loader isn't working for some reason but file will eventually open.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
3 out of 4
I got these done about a month ago. I've been waiting for them to finish healing before I took photos. I'm going back for the fourth one later this week. I'm really happy with them. I will repeat myself and say once again that Stephanie Tamez is amazing. Her line work with a giant pulsating machine is cleaner than my originals done with my dinky dip pen and she's also insanely fast and super friendly. She's awesome! Go to Brooklyn Adorned and give her business.
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